Pit River

Guided Fly Fishing Trips

Pocket Water

The Pit is known for it’s difficult wading and I won’t sugar coat it. It’s filled with large slippery rocks that you can’t see well through the off colored water.

That said, if you bring a sturdy wading staff and take your time, you’ll be rewarded handsomely. This is one of the the most productive rivers around. The fish are everywhere they should be. So long as you can get a good drift to them, they’ll eat. I’ve had some of my best number days here.

I know this river really well and if you’re athletic, we can hike into some really special places that seldom see an angler.

Pit 3, Pit 4 & Pit 5 located between lake Britian and the small town of Big Bend

Tight line nymphing the pocket water.
Streamers work very well if swing them through the boulders.
Dries generally only work in the frog water where pike minnow hold.