Premium Slotted Tungsten Beads

These beads have the tightest hook gap on the market. They’re easy to secure with just a few thread wraps and they’re super heavy. All at a great price!

 Welcome to Driftstone.

A new fly shop dedicated to fly tying, fishing tactics and the community.

Now Featuring Semperfli Products

authorized dealer for Semperfli and Firehole Outdoors

We’re proud to announce that we’ve partnered with Firehole Outdoors and Semperfli Fly Tying Materials.

We’re slowly building up our inventory stocking the most popular of products first. If you have any requests, please let Eric know.



A fly fishing show that sucks less

OG Driftstone T-Shirt



Driftstone Trucker Cap


Eric’s Fly Fishing Gear

Featured Videos


The trail goes straight DOWN 👇

Biggest Bow of 2021



The Truckee ain’t easy!

Hiking ALONE in the Trinity Alps

Fly Fishing the 8th Wonder of the World

Burney Falls