DIY Aluminum Grip Studs Parts List

In the video below, I walk you through building aluminum grip studs so you can stay upright and wade more confidently. You’ll need at the very least a hand drill.

Patagonia Boots from Ebay: $50
Stainless Steel Countersink Screw Assortment #10-24: $11.99
Stainless Tee Nuts 12pk: $11.48
1.25” diameter .25” thick Aluminum discs: Price will vary, I paid $5 for one set.

Grand total $78.47

There are number of factors that might vary for you. Namely, the Aluminum discs. I found a 1.25” x 12” long round bar stock on ebay for $20 that I was going to have a machine shop cut. But I lucked out and they had 1” in their bins and I used that. I’d start by asking your local machine shop or metal supply what they have. I bet they can get you a better deal. Don’t forget to ask for a quote to have them drill and countersink them also.

Also, with some looking around, I bet you can find a better deal on the Tee nuts. These were a buck a piece, so perhaps call your local fastener store first and see what they have.


How to choose the best slotted tungsten beads.